• inshutiorganisation@gmail.com |
  • (+250)788842068
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Global Objective:

To promote socio-economic development of the population.

Specific Objectives:

1. To contribute to the amelioration of the agricultural production and livestock.
2. To give capacity building and training for groups, associations and cooperatives.
3. To contribute to the health promotion and environment protection.
4. To sensitize the community on forming groups, associations and cooperatives
5 .To promote gender balance in country development
6. To give training to the community on laws and basis legislative text (Law published in official Gazettes)
7. To promote education.
8. To encourage youth to implement generating income activities

To achieve its Mission, INSHUTI work seeks to develop and promote self-confidence, self-reliance and mutual trust among community members; to facilitate the emergence and maintenance of the habit of collaboration, information sharing, the prevalence of social justice, and the emergence of an effective participatory leadership. All this are based on the values of UNITY, SOLIDARITY, INTEGRITY, SELF CONFIDENCE, MUTUAL RESPECT and PARTNERSHIP.

We invite you to join us on this journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for all Rwandans.

May peace from the Lord be with you.
Mr. HABINEZA Etienne

Our Mission

To become an excellent organization in technical assistance and keeping an eye on socio-economic matter of the population.

Our Vision

Holding and Keeping an eye on sustainable development activities.

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